Lecture by Bárbara Boloix on “The Last Female World of al-Andalus: Nasrid Women”


This Friday, May 14 (6:00 pm), Bárbara Boloix will give a lecture on “The Last Female World of al-Andalus: Nasrid Women,” within the Seminar “Women through Law and Family Codes: Legal Tradition and Current Problematics,” organized by the Area of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Alicante. In this lecture, the Main Researcher of our Project will address the ways of life of the Nasrid women, taking into account both the gender criteria and the multiple factors that determined their existence throughout the history of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada (13th-15th centuries).

Information and Program: https://ieg.ua.es/es/documentos/seminarios/seminario-las-mujeres-a-traves-del-derecho.pdf

Lecture of Bárbara Boloix on the Andalusi Women of the Alpujarra

This coming Wednesday, May 12 at 6.30 p.m., the Arabist Bárbara Boloix Gallardo (Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies of the University of Granad) will offer an online lecture titled “The Andalusi Women of La Alpujarra,” in which she will address several issues related to the ways of life of women of this region. This talk is part of the Conference Program “I Encounters with Aben Humeya,” organized by the Center for Historical Studies of the Lecrín Valley and the Alpujarra (https://www.cehval.es/).

During her lecture, the Main Researcher of our Project will tackel both general and specific aspectcs of the existence of women of the Andalusi Alpujarra, considering the specificities of this  territory as well as the conditions of life which were typical of rural areas in Medieval times. She will therefore try to get us familiar, from different perspectives, to this broad social group of our Islamic past, from which many aspects existing in this emblematic and millenary region today can be explained.

Info to attend:

Videoconference link: oficinavirtual.ugr.es/redes/SOR/SALVEUGR/accesosala.jsp?IDSALA=22979280

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