During the 9th and 10th of September 2019, Desirée López Bernal will participate in the ‘Meeting of Researchers in Arab and Islamic Studies’ that will be held at the headquarters of Casa Arabe in Madrid. The meeting will aim to create a forum for dialogue and exchange between researchers of the various research projects currently being developed in the field of Arab and Islamic studies in our country in order to create synergies between them and to pool different methodological, geographical and temporal perspectives. As a representative of NAZAMER, Dr. López Bernal will report on NAZAMER’s main objectives as well as the results achieved in our project to date, contemplating establishing possible collaborative ties with others with related themes.
For more information: http://www.casaarabe.es/eventos-arabes/show/encuentro-de-investigadores-en-estudios-arabes-e-islamicos-en-espana?fbclid=IwAR0815LSGJGzIVwS0gk0lwbptRhMA4NtDqw4b-y-wdKtdf9zMCNmMzPIEyw